Korean J Emerg Med Ser Search


Korean J Emerg Med Ser > Volume 28(3); 2024 > Article
The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services 2024;28(3): 7-15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14408/KJEMS.2024.28.3.007    Published online December 31, 2024.
성별에 따른 구급대원의 업무 난도 비교 분석
최혜경  , 박상웅 
을지대학교 응급구조학과 교수
Comparative analysis of job difficulty among paramedics by gender
Hea-kyung Choi  , Sang Woong Park 
Professor, Department of Paramedicine, Eulji University South Korea
Correspondence  Sang Woong Park ,Tel: +82-31-740-7535, Fax: +82-31-740-7353, Email: swpark@eulji.ac.kr
Submitted: September 20, 2024  Accepted after revision: December 19, 2024
This study aimed to identify the challenging tasks for male and female paramedics and suggest solutions to address these difficulties.
We surveyed 58 male and 43 female paramedics. The survey covered 253 tasks, and the ten most difficult tasks were identified. These tasks were analyzed using an independent t-test to compare differences between males and females.
Among the 253 items, both male and female paramedics reported difficulties with maternal and neonatal treatment. Male paramedics found the chemical accident response difficult, whereas female paramedics found treating open-chest injuries challenging. This study further examined whether significant differences existed in the task difficulty between male and female participants. Thirteen tasks were observed in which the perceived difficulty differed between genders. Male paramedics found 12 tasks to be more difficult than their female counterparts, including asking about the situation in which the patient was found, inquiring about the location of the patient, and assessing the scene. Female paramedics found handling child abuse cases difficult.
This study examined the challenges faced by male and female paramedics and revealed that they encountered different difficulties and required different levels of training. Male paramedics required training in patient communication, whereas female paramedics required training in emotion regulation. In addition, both groups would benefit from further training in areas where they commonly encounter difficulties.
Keywords: Paramedic, Communication skills, Childbirth, Training programs


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