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Korean J Emerg Med Ser > Volume 28(3); 2024 > Article
The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services 2024;28(3): 153-169.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14408/KJEMS.2024.28.3.153    Published online December 31, 2024.
119 종합상황실 근무자의 직무스트레스와 회복탄력성이 소진에 미치는 영향
유시연1  , 최은숙2 
1경기도 안양소방서 구급대원
2국립공주대학교 응급구조학과 교수
Effects of job stress and resilience on burnout among 119 emergency operations center dispatchers
Si-Yeon Yoo1  , Eun-Sook Choi2 
1Paramedic, Anyang Fire Staion, Gyeonggi-Do
2Professor, Department of Paramedicine, Kongju National University
Correspondence  Eun-Sook Choi ,Tel: +82-41-850-0334, Fax: +82-41-850-0331, Email: eschoi@kongju.ac.kr
Submitted: March 9, 2024  Accepted after revision: December 19, 2024
The 119 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is responsible for receiving and handling fire, rescue, and emergency disaster reports. We aimed to investigate job stress, resilience, and burnout among workers at this center.
A descriptive survey was conducted among 119 EOC workers stationed at 18 fire department headquarters nationwide. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics 28, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The research findings indicate that job stress accounts for 34.1% (adjusted R² = 0.341) of the variance in burnout, demonstrating the greatest impact. Resilience contributed to 12.8% of the variance. Together, these two variables explained 51.4% of the variance in burnout.
The impact of job stress and recovery resilience on burnout among EOC dispatchers was significant. The highest stress was observed in terms of the lack of manuals for non-emergency reporting and the environmental aspects of work. Based on these findings, emotional exhaustion and dehumanization were particularly high in burnout. In response to these results, fire departments should raise awareness about the causes of job stress, produce nationwide promotional videos to improve public consciousness, establish detailed guidelines for responding to different types of reporters, and revise the legal aspects to address these issues.
Keywords: 119 Emergency Operations Center, Emergency dispatcher, Job stress, Resilience, Burnout


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